What If You End Up Driving On Reserve?

By Max Anthony •  Updated: 03/03/21 •  3 min read

Driving on reserve: why is riding a car in this state a danger? Check out the main reasons now and, if applicable, try to change this habit as soon as possible.

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Have you ever heard that tank in the reserve can cause damage to the vehicle? Or that when the engine stops running, the power steering and brakes also stop? Running low on fuel is a danger to you and harmful to the car.

The ideal is to drive to the last quarter of the tank. Did you turn on the warning light? Head to the nearest post. Waiting to get home – or at the destination – and resolve later, more calmly, can cause great regrets.

How Many Kilometers Does The Car Travel On Reserve?

Driving on reserve

The sign on the dashboard that the car has entered the reserve varies from model to model. Therefore, it is not possible to know how many kilometers the car still runs with what it has in the tank. However, it is known that this volume is usually between 5 and 10 liters – just enough to find at the nearest gas station.

What Is The Damage When The Car Is On Reserve?

Driving on reserve

Among the risks of driving in reserve is the possibility of air entering the system, which can cause the car to stop, even after being refueled. There is also the danger of overheating the system’s electric pump, which is inside the tank, since the fuel itself cools it.

When the level is lowered too much, the pump runs without cooling. Not to mention that in curves and steep streets, fuel is not captured. Finally, there is another problem: debris and dirt are at the bottom of the tank, and this can clog filters and pumps.

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How Does The Fuel Gauge Work?

Driving on reserve

The device that guides the fuel gauge is inside the tank. In old cars, it is a mechanical component, but in new cars, it is electronic.

In older vehicles, it consists of a float that floats on the surface of the fuel and uses a metal rod connected to a resistor. It is practically the same thing in new cars, only instead of resistance, it comes with electronic sensors.

What To Do When The Fuel Enters The Reserve?

Driving on reserve

Have you entered the reserve? Then, keep the speed between 60 and 80 km / h. It is also important to avoid sudden braking, as well as excessive acceleration.

The damage caused to the car can exceed. So, walking around the reserve takes more than waiting for a gas station with cheaper fuel. Because this is one of the reasons that drive drivers to postpone the supply.

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Max Anthony

Max is a gizmo-savvy guy, who has a tendency to get pulled into the nitty gritty details of technology and cars. He attended UT Austin, where he studied Information Science. He’s married and has three kids, one dog and a GMC truck and a Porsche 911. With a large family, he still finds time to share tips and tricks on cars, trucks and more.