Five Tips For Safe Car Travel

By Max Anthony •  Updated: 03/02/21 •  4 min read

Take a look at the brakes and learn how to transport people and objects before you leave to hit the road this holiday season.

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The end of the year arrives, and many people are preparing to hit the road and travel. If you are one of them, it does not hurt to take a look at the car to be able to make a quiet and frightening tour. Below, we have separated five tips for safe car travel.

And, before hitting the road, exchange an idea with your trusted mechanic or stop by the dealership to see if everything is in order with your car.

Tips For Safe Car Travel At The End Of The Year

Check the brakes

safe car travel

If your car has ABS brakes, the first step is to check that the system and its warning light are operational – if they are not, the brakes may not work and leave the driver without control over the steering the vehicle in an emergency braking (due to the wheels locking).

Then, have your mechanic check the discs, pads, shoes, and even the drums. The replacement times and limitations for these components are all in the owner’s manual. Remember: brakes can save your life and that of your family.

Sit upright in the seats

safe car travel

The cars are designed to receive you and other occupants in the most comfortable and safe way possible. The lumbar support must be in an appropriate position to support your back without having to take off the bench in maneuvers. Driving with the backrest down is cold: it causes pain in the spine, and the lack of support can be fatal in the event of a rear collision.

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Those who travel in the passenger seat also need to respect some rules: it is forbidden to cross your legs or support your feet on the dashboard. For those who have a car with airbags, these two situations are even worse, since the impact of the bag can cause serious and even fatal injuries to the lower part of the body.

Child in the car seat

Children have exclusive space inside the car. The issue here is not just to be fined for violating the rules but also to save your children’s lives.

Up to one year, the child must be accommodated in the baby comfort – mandatory equipment from one to four years old. From the age of four to seven and a half, the booster seat is used. And only after seven years and seven months can the child sit on the bench – always with the seat belt fastened.

Transport animals and objects in the correct way

Believe me, carrying an animal or object on your lap can be as dangerous as leaving it loose in the cabin. That’s because the impact of a hit at 64 km / h can cause an object of 1 kg to become a load of 50 kg. Now imagine the force of an impact from a 6 or 7-kilo dog.

Therefore, for dogs, kittens, or other animals, use the transport boxes. For objects, put everything possible in the trunk or, if the space in the luggage compartment runs out, in the space under the front seats. Do not carry anything loose, on the panel or on your lap.

Respect the limits of the road and other cars

This is the most obvious tip, but we always need to reinforce it. Driving above the speed limit not only means a fine, but also puts your integrity, that of your passengers, and that of all drivers, motorcyclists, cyclists, and pedestrians around you at risk.

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Max Anthony

Max is a gizmo-savvy guy, who has a tendency to get pulled into the nitty gritty details of technology and cars. He attended UT Austin, where he studied Information Science. He’s married and has three kids, one dog and a GMC truck and a Porsche 911. With a large family, he still finds time to share tips and tricks on cars, trucks and more.